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Guilford County Schools & CrisisGo’s

Essential School Emergency Alerting and Communication System




Why CrisisGo?

An Emergency Protective Action is any action, taken during an emergency, that is meant to save lives and mitigate the risk of serious injuries. CrisisGo's platform provides the tools and processes needed to respond effectively to any Crisis. From CrisisGo Alerts that immediately notify individuals and quickly initiating a response to role-based emergency plan Checklists that guide each step of emergency response and from CrisisGo's CheckIn tool for rapidly looking for the people who need help the most to prioritize where to send help first to our Roster Event tool for detailed accounting for your staff and students in real-time, CrisisGo's tools are here to increase the speed of your emergency response and make emergency communication easy to manage.

Here's How Your District Will Use CrisisGo



On this web page, you will find information that will be helpful for our staff to understand the purpose of deploying this new safety system. This site is to provide initial information to prepare you for the rollout. It is not intended to train you or provide everything you need to get started. Our project team for the school will be communicating more as we move forward and some of this information may change as we complete the onboarding process. To be transparent and keep you informed, please review the information and we look forward to working with each of you to improve our school safety culture.

How will CrisisGo Impact Our Current Safety System?

How Does This Impact Staff?

  • As a staff member will I have to have the app on my personal device?

    Having CrisisGo on your personal device is optional.

  • Will staff be tracked through the app?
    When the CrisisGo application is running, you are not being tracked.  CrisisGo does have GPS functionality available in the event of an emergency, however, this needs to be enabled by the user before becoming active.
  • How do we log in?

    Once CrisisGo is downloaded, open the CrisisGo app and choose ‘Sign in with SSO.’ You can then use the same login credentials that you use to log in to your email.

    Click the following links to learn more information about using SSO for signing into CrisisGo on your mobile device and on your computer

  • How much data is used?
    Approximately 75 KB per hour, 1.8 MB per day. Initial downloads of Maps and Emergency Plans could vary between 20-40Mb.
  • Will this use a lot of my battery?
    CrisisGo is a lightweight application and while it can run in the background of your device, it does not consume a lot of battery. If you are using an iOS device, there is a battery conservation mode option to save battery life.
  • How much space will this take up?
    The CrisisGo application itself is less than 150Mb after installation.
  • Do I have to share my cell phone number?
    You do not have to share your cell phone number if you do not choose to. However, if you wish to be able to be contacted during an incident via phone, we recommend that you share your phone number. Access to your phone number is permission-based and not everyone will have access to your number.
  • If employees need more help with the app, will you have peer-assistance learning support?
    If staff need additional assistance, they can contact the safety team.
  • When will we use this app?
    The app will be used for all school drills and should be used when you are at personal risk or if you believe all staff in the school are at risk. Using the app for daily issues will help build the muscle memory needed to use it during a critical event.
  • What happens if I don’t have the app on my phone?

    You will still receive the alert by SMS, email, or both. You will then need to work with a partner staff member who does have the app to be accounted for and to provide you with ongoing communications.

    (We strongly encourage everyone to keep the CrisisGo app on their phone for the bene school safety as well as your personal safety.) 

Learn About the Core App Features Your District Will Use


(There are more tools in CrisisGo's platform that we will be rolling out; however, this is the recommended initial rollout to build core competency and skills.)


Inform everyone connected to your organization with a mass-notification that includes an audible tone for distinct notification. Alerts spur immediate action and include descriptive messaging capabilities for all members of your organization.

You can learn more here.


Checklist converts your emergency plan into role-based actionable steps to guide individuals through the proper emergency response steps.

You can learn more here


CrisisGo Safety CheckIn is a localized survey and status check tool that allows superintendents and district administrators to frequently ‘check in’ with their community and gather real-time data to inform critical decisions they must make.

You can learn more here

Roster Event

CrisisGo’s Roster Event tool allows your school to better account for students during an emergency through more detailed status options, greater access to student lists, and enhanced statistics for admin review.

You can learn more here

Learn More About Additional CrisisGo Features


When a severe emergency occurs, the most important reaction is notifying the authorities by calling 911, which is why we have created a Call 911 option that allows you to call 911 from the CrisisGo mobile app when you send out specific Alerts. Knowing how critical time is during an emergency, our new Call 911 feature will ensure that you can quickly and adequately respond to any emergency with CrisisGo.


Escalation is a feature within the app that allows you to notify designated individuals who play a critical role in safety but are not regular members of the group where an alert is sent. Also when an alert is sent, these designated people can be brought into the group as group managers or members. Escalation is typically used when you need to notify law enforcement, your district administration, the safety team, SROs, hospitals, etc.


Reunification is the process of releasing students back to their legal guardians during the recovery stage of a major incident that is not considered a normal school release. CrisisGo’s reunification feature can be turned on in a message group. It uses Roster data to allow staff (based on their reunification role) to mark students present and move them through the reunification process, which concludes with students being released to their validated guardians. You must be a manager to assign a reunification role to a user.

General FAQs

  • If I receive an alert, what is expected of me?
    When staff members receive emergency alerts through CrisisGo, they are expected to respond to the specific alert based upon your drills/training and school policies.
  • Which alerts am I able to send, and does law enforcement get notified?

    Each alert escalation can be designated to notify specific people whom you wish to be notified.

    (Exactly who receives an alert will depend on how the alerts were configured. We also recommend certain alerts get escalated to law enforcement, so check with your safety team to ensure which alerts have been designated as “escalation alerts”.)

  • How can I make sure I am getting the alerts and notifications?

    To ensure that you receive emergency alerts, we recommend that you download the CrisisGo app, log into the app, and regularly check to make sure the app is updated (Just like you would for any other important application). 

  • Can I still log into CrisisGo to receive notifications if I wasn’t logged in?
    Enabling the “Receive Offline Messages” setting will allow you to receive push notifications from the app even when you Sign Out to remain informed. Whether this setting is enabled to receive offline messages or disabled to not receive offline message notifications, if you are signed out of the app and sign back in, you will see all notifications that were sent while you were signed out.
  • Are we encouraged to have our phones on us at all times?
    Yes, but that is your choice. We have found that in most situations the cell phone is the one personal item most people have very close to them at all times. Being able to communicate during an emergency is critical, not only for completing required tasks but also for, but updating responders with your status and needs.
  • What do the alerts sound like?
    The alerts are customizable per alert. You can choose from a library of available alert tones or upload/create a custom alert tone. 
  • Will students use the app?
    Students would use Safe2SpeakUP, which is a student-specific companion app to CrisisGo, designed specifically for students.
  • Who are message group Managers?

    A manager is a CrisisGo user who is included in a message group and has administrative capabilities. The authority of managers can vary as some have the ability to edit features of the message group, and others do not. Managers can direct message members, message all the other managers, and message everyone in the group. They can also view reports and edit the group if granted that permission. Managers use message groups to coordinate safety communication and response but should not be called coordinators in order to preserve clarity.

  • Can I silence the alarm?
    If you are in a situation where you cannot have tones coming through (i.e. took off work to go to a dentist appt or are at a conference), there is a setting within the app called “Do Not Disturb.” Enabling this setting will block all CrisisGo alert and panic tones while the setting is engaged. Please remember to disable the setting when you are able to receive these tones again.
  • I don’t have a student roster - can I still account for students?
    Yes, everyone within a Message Group can participate in accounting for and identifying unaccounted students during a Roster Event.
  • Can I get alerts via email?
    You can receive alerts via email, but it is recommended that you also utilize the CrisisGo app in order to be accounted for and to engage with ongoing safety communications.
  • How can I learn more about how CrisisGo works?

    You can find more about CrisisGo's platform here

    If you are looking for additional FAQs, you can find them here

  • Whom should I contact if I have other questions or concerns about CrisisGo?

    If you have any questions regarding the use of CrisisGo, please contact your safety administrator from your school district. 

    You can also reach out to your dedicated CrisisGo Account Manager for assistance as well.  

Learn More About CrisisGo's Other Offerings:


Safety Intervention Manager is CrisisGo's solution for managing the social/emotional and mental health needs of your staff and students. You can learn more here. 

Safety iPass is CrisisGo's solution for entry management & pandemic safety with pre-certification, temperature screening, entry verification, and close contact tracing. You can learn more here.